Whether you are developing a new product or looking to refresh or modernise an existing solution, there are so many options available to you.
Do you start from scratch, do you follow Gartner and choose the established market leader, do you look at open source alternative or do you piece together multiple technologies and write “intelligent glue” to come up with something innovative and new?
It is so easy to choose the wrong technology.
Utilise knowledge that has been built up through years of experience to ensure you get things right first time and avoid costly mistakes.
Making informed decisions based on evidenced research will de-risk any new software development or solution selection process. Cloud68 offers vast experience in researching and selecting best of breed and emerging technologies that will allow your organisation to reduce or better optimise IT spend and deliver improved services to your customers.
For more information on the types of service offered to support your new technology initiatives please contact info@cloud68.uk and we’ll be delighted to start a conversation.